Monday, October 6, 2014


In wondering what vitamins and minerals are needed to grow hair I found this research fascinating and wanted to share it with you. Also, I heard so many negative comments about Minoxidil, it frighten me to read the ingredient in hair products. Millions of women are suffering from hair loss, and being told they have to take some kind of medication for the rest of their life to grow it back. Most have side effects or other issues much worse than hair loss.  Women of all nationalities are suffering hair loss and searching for ways to grow their hair back.  Doctors and Specialists are saying the same things. Getting a correct hair loss diagnosis is extremely difficult if not impossible. Usually stress, hormones, "natural shedding," or alopecia are the common diagnosis.
Here is the Good News

Allied Natural has a number of exciting advancements that have been made in the science of hair loss. In recent years, a handful of enzymes, amino acids, herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals have been identified to help stop hair loss and promote hair growth in both men and women. The powerful result of combining these vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and herbs has to be seen to believe. Advancement 1: Iodine

Necessary for hormonal balance
Woman, hormones play a huge role in their hair loss,
 regulated by our thyroid. For a long time it has been known that improper functioning of the thyroid can create hair loss and hair thinning in women recent research has discovered is that this problem is easily remedied by supplementing with Iodine and Iodide. Worldwide, two billion people are deficient in Iodide. hair loss is almost always a symptom of that deficiency.
Advancement 2: Saw Palmetto The Natural Minoxidil
When hair loss treatments were originally developed for men, scientists isolated a single hormone as the main cause of male hair loss: DHT. It is a molecule that attacks, shrinks, and kills the hair follicle. Originally thought only to effect men Minoxidil blocks DHT -but it comes with potential side effects like cardiac lesions, increased hair loss, facial swelling, nausea, headaches and more.
Saw Palmetto does everything Minoxidil does -naturally. Saw Palmetto is a natural herb that blocks DHT, just like Minoxidil does, but without the side effects. In a recent study, it was shown to reduce DHT by 32%.Saw Palmetto has an ingredient in almost every natural hair loss product for one reason: it works. It naturally does exactly what Minoxidil was designed by scientists to do: block DHT
Advancement 3: Biotin Proven alopecia-reversing effects
Recent discovered deficiency of Biotin in the body can cause alopecia (hair loss). Biotin promotes healthy nails and hair.
Too much or too little oil on the scalp can inhibit hair growth.  Biotin is well known to improve the metabolism of scalp oils making the scalp a safe place for hair to grow. t just the right amount of Biotin is critically important,
Advancement 4: Pepsin The enzyme that makes your hair's building blocks
often hair loss can occur because our bodies are not efficiently digesting protein. We eat protein, the body must first break down into peptides and then use it to build hair, skin, and nails, in addition to many other functions. Pepsin is a unique enzyme
hugely responsible for protein digestion.  we may have adequate amounts of protein in our diets, without enough of the pepsin enzyme in our stomach to break all that protein down into the peptides that are the building blocks of our hair, we can experience hair loss and hair thinning


Advancement 5: Cysteine

An amino acid that makes up 14% of the hair
Human hair is composed of approximately 14% Cysteine. Cysteine is an amino acid that plays a unique part in the construction of our hair.
When hair is being built in our follicles, it requires a lot of sulfur. Sulfur in hair is responsible for the bad smell when hair is burning. Cysteine is important because it contains sulfur molecules that form what is called disulfide bridges, critical structure for a hair. Our bodies cannot produce these on its own, it is absolutely critical enough Cysteine is in your diet.
Advancement 6: Methionine
An amino acid that supplies sulfur to hair Together with Cysteine, Methionine is one of two sulfur-containing protein genic amino acids. That means that only Cysteine and Methionine can provide the sulfur your hair needs to grow.  We're finding more and more is that Cysteine and Methionine both play unique roles in the growth of hair, and both are needed if hair loss is occurring or greater hair thickness is desired.  Your body does not make methionine on its own and it must be obtained from your diet or from supplementation.
Stimulair is the most advanced, effective natural treatment for hair loss in women" Stimulair


Okay, so this isn’t you, so, let’s look at you.  I presently Shea Moisture shea/products, they have been the best for my hair all natural products with-out any harmful side effects.  

Here are the products I found to be most rewarding for my hair reconstruction. They can be used on a daily basis and they can help to keep the hair soft, and shining if you distributed them in the right manner. At first Acknowledgement of this product I was wearing a wig and used it very sparingly. There were growth spurts here and there, but once I decided to take my wigs off my hair started to grow a lot faster and I found myself using the products a lot more.  What is different about this product is the natural ingredients that don’t make your hair feel greasy or hard. The product can be used on a daily basis and it does not build up on your hair. It does however make it feel really soft and moist, which is what most natural styles need.  The conditioner, I find to be a little thick for me, so I dilute it with water. I also enjoy the smell of my hair when I shampoo, every two weeks it’s a really nice not too strong odor.  I did not know the site for this product was so large, since finding out the size of this site I will be exploring for more hair care products and help.  I absolutely love this product.   If you have natural hair I would like to invite you to try it for about two weeks, some people think its pricey, actually I think it is wonderful and before it was available in South Bend, where I live. I drove all the way to Michigan to get it.  video  Here are some upcoming events for this product and a its founder upcoming events founder Ladies and Gentlemen join me on a natural adventure into what hair really needs of all kind and plan to come see what other new and exciting information I will be sharing in reference to growing hair and inner beautiful you.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hair Ordeal Decision

This is about the hair ordeal I have been going through for the past 5 years or so, after my hair was damaged from a chemical application error, and sew-ins.  Recently in one of the pastors sermons he spoke about how unimportant hair was to the person overall.  I had some reservations about my hair and was wanting to go natural, but was embarrass of how I would look.  His sermon helped me to get over the embarrassment and I started approximately 2 months ago wearing my own hair.
Reverting back to when I use to care for my mother whose hair had also been damaged by chemical reactions and what she told me to do for her I started to do for my hair two months ago. Not paying attention to the products and asking people what they put on their hair. I broke it off, although it is recovering now, let me be the first to tell you, if your product is outdated please throw it away.  It has no place in your hair. I have had some good and bad reviews from church members, family and friends, To them I say thank you, you will like it when its done.  My mom asked me to shampoo, condition,oil and braid her hair up, when she expired December 18, 2005 her hair was on her shoulder and she was beautiful.  I am saying is this, I am going to do the same thing for my hair with 1 exception. I am not braiding it. I am twisting it, loving my look and thanking God every day for telling me to stop the sew-ins, take off the wigs, no chemicals and wait for my crown of glory to return. It is getting much thicker growing back in the places it was shadow. I am so glad I listened to that soft voice the 1 day as I looked in the mirror.